Saturday, 31 July 2010

Giving up Kismet and working on the code

Baiscally Kismet is not for me. Of course simple task can be done thourgh kismet but I just feel like I need to practice more to get my head around it. Basically I feel like it's easier to do it though code that using kismet.

Anyway I won't be on time I guess but I'll try polish my result to get ready for the intel game demo contest.


Media Update

I've been quite active lately but not posting anything.

So apart from not being ready to submit my game on time for the indiepub game contest I have few model ready. So this is the update.

I'll update more later. I've a lot of picture of the asset I created for the game. 


Thursday, 29 July 2010

Getting back on Kismet

I never got my head around kismet so it's a bit challenging to create a gameplay with it. But is just what the new version of kakubo will be about. I can't take the time to sort it out in unrealscript but I can try to do it in kismet at least I hope.

I'll keep and update and some screen soon enough.


Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Back on udk

Because I Didn't have the energy to learn a new tool and because I've been playing splinter cell lately I decided to drop unity for the moment. I don't have that much time left for the indie pub game contest and It would be better to have a proof of concept ready on udk than a half finished one on unity.

Unity is indeed easier and everything but I do miss a lot a feature. I did learn a lot of stuff on networking and everything and that basically the game might but I'll come with all my update in the incoming days.