Monday, 9 November 2009

Crysis scenery

I was working on the cryengine for just a week but it was enough to taste the wonder of its tool. I try a lot of tool and I really think it's my favourite. Crtengine2 is one ( maybe the most) powerful engine with dynamic shadows and a lot of eye candy feature like dynamic sky scattering water caustics and such. Most of those shaders don't have to be set by and. Sadly the engine is just available for modders so even if you game is greate only the small crymod community will be able to play with it.

There is also few problem like the like of global illumination or lightbaking. But as far I know I never experimented so much ease in game developpement.


Theses are some experiments. I'll try to create such environment in the UDK. 

I did pick the cryEngine at the beginning because I was trying to create a dense forest for my game. The first part is set in a forest and the main character is pursed by enemy and unarmed.

So the cry engine was the best choice for my game. I even gave up the idea of selling this game in order to get a powerful engine ( tired to create my own tool) but the UDK came so I'm trying to port everything I had so far and learn how to do realistic outdoor.

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